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West Liberty | Nursing & Rehabilitation

Success Story: Lanny Hall

July 25, 2024

West Liberty Nursing and Rehabilitation, in partnership with Reliant Rehabilitation, is excited to share resident Lanny Hall’s Success Story!

Lanny Hall has been a resident at West Liberty Nursing and Rehab Center since July 2023. When he arrived, he was unable to perform standard tasks or move without extensive help from at least two people. He could not walk or stand unsupported, making it impossible for him to return home at that time. Through his stay, Lanny diligently worked with physical, occupational, and speech therapists, making significant functional improvements! He can now complete daily tasks with only contact guard assistance and walks consistently for 600 feet, occasionally reaching up to 1,000 feet. Due to his therapy success, Mr. Hall has now returned home with his daughter! Mr. Hall states, “I am so proud of myself for making this much improvement. I cannot thank the therapy team here enough for what they have done for me. I can finally go home, and I cannot wait.” Congratulations to Lanny and his Care Team on their success!