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West Liberty | Nursing & Rehabilitation

Slowing the Spread by Social Distancing

June 19, 2020

If you have read our previous articles, you know that Covid-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another for a prolonged period of time. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets from their nose or mouth are scattered into the air and land in the mouths or noses of those they’re around. This is why it is important to maintain social distancing.

Social distancing means to keep space between yourself and others outside of your home. To practice social distancing, stay at least 6 feet away from others (two arm lengths apart).

Limiting close contact with others outside your household in indoor and outdoor spaces is one of the best tools we have to avoiding exposure to the virus and it will ultimately slow the spread of the virus and flatten the curve. Since people can spread the virus before they know they are even sick, it is important to stay away from others whenever possible; even if they are not presenting symptoms.

Many people have personal circumstances or situations that present challenges with practicing social distancing, but with each person who does practice proper social distancing, wears a fabric mask in everyday activities where social distancing is challenged, we can flatten the curve and get through this together.