Clinical Care Quick Reference for COVID-19
January 7, 2022
This quick reference highlights key COVID-19 Clinical Care information for healthcare providers and provides selected links to full guidance and research for easier CDC web navigation.
Caring for Patients
- Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nasal congestion or rhinorrhea, vomiting or diarrhea, and skin rashes.
- Some patients with COVID-19 may progress or dyspnea and severe disease about one week after symptom onset.
- Clinicians who wish to consider the use of therapeutics or other available investigational therapies should review the COVID-19 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Treatment Guidelines.
Ending Isolation
- For most people with a current laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, isolation and precautions can be discontinued 10 days after symptom onset and after resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms.
- For adults who never develop symptoms, isolation and other precautions can be discontinued 10 days after the date of their first positive viral test.
- Some severely immunocompromised persons with COVID-19 may remain infectious beyond 20 days after their symptoms began and require additional SARS-CoV-2 testing and consultation with infection disease specialists to determine the appropriate duration of isolation and precautions.
- Confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection requires confirmation of initial infection and virus detection at two distinct time periods with genetic sequencing data that support reinfection.
- A toolkit and criteria have been developed to support state and local health departments investigations of suspended cases of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection.
People at Increased Risk of Severe Illness
- People of any with underlying medical conditions on CDC’s evidence-based list can be more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19.
- Older adults are at highest risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
- The risk of severe COVID-19 increases as the number of underlying medical conditions increases in a person.
- Long-standing systemic health and social inequalities have put various groups of people at increased risk of getting sick and dying from COVID-19.
- CDC highlights key findings from a large cross-sectional that examined risk factors and comorbidities associated with severe outcomes of COVID-19.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS)
- Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is a rare but serious complication associated with COVID-19 in which multiple organ systems become inflamed.
- MIS can affect children and adolescents (MIS-C) and adults (MIS-A).
- The MIS-C healthcare provider page provides information on clinical presentation, case definition of MIS-C, case report form (CRF), and more resources about MIS-C.
- CDC has developed a MIS-A case definition for healthcare providers.
Post-COVID Conditions
- Post-COVID conditions describe a range of new, returning, or ongoing health issues that persist four or more weeks after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, sometimes after initial symptom recovery.
- New or ongoing symptoms can occur in people who have varying degrees of illness during acute infection, including patients who had mild or asymptomatic infections.
- Medical and research communities are still learning about post-acute symptoms and clinical findings.
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